
1) How long have you been a member of Boys & Girls Club of Metro Atlanta?
I’ve been attending for 5 years and 2 months.
2) Why is your Boys & Girls Club important to you?
Boys & Girls Club is important to me because it provides me with doors to a great future, and all I have to do is walk through. The Club’s staff is extremely incredible, they remind me every day that I am loved.
3) What is your career goal? What do you want to do, be when you grow up?
As I’m getting older, I wish to live my dreams of being an actor.
4) How has your Club supported your goals for college, post-secondary education, and career?
The Club provides me with knowledge about college and financial support and scholarships.
5) Who has been a major influence in your life? Why?
As of right now, I look up to Chloë and Halle Bailey They are two amazing singers and actresses. They are Black like me from Georgia like me. They’re accomplishing huge things and they truly inspire me. If they can become successful then I can become successful.
6) What is a success you achieved through the support of your Club?
Being able to get an A on my math test. If I was too scared to ask the teacher a question at school I know I’ll have another chance to ask someone at the Club for help.
7) What is a challenge that your Club helped you overcome?
The Club has helped me overcome many challenges, such as getting out of my comfort zone and trying and experiencing new things.
8) Do you volunteer in your community or at the Club? Can you share a few examples of this?
Yes, I volunteer at the Club and in the community. Over the summer I volunteered as a junior staff, even though my friends asked me why I volunteered if I wasn’t getting paid I didn’t complain. I’ve also volunteered at my church’s mobile food banks.
9) Why do you believe it is important for teens to use their voice in today’s society?
It’s important for teens to use their voices in today’s society because we matter. We, teens, need to fix a few things wrong with past generations. Without a voice, you would have no point.
10) What are you doing, what can you do to spark positive change in today’s society?
I can start mental health podcasts in my school and invite many teens to it to explain their journey and what lessons they’ve learned.
11) What moment or moments in your Club do you believe have shaped you to serve as your Club’s Youth of the Year
The moment I volunteered during the summer as junior staff shaped me to serve as Youth of the Year in Douglas County. All of my friends wanted to know why I still volunteered while other junior staff were getting paid. Now look who’s Youth of the Year. I told one of the staff that I’m going to be hanging up on the wall next to all the previous Youths of the Year and look where we are now.
Join us for the 2022 Youth of the Year Experience on November 11!
The Youth of the Year Celebration will recognize Atlanta’s most inspiring teens and serve as the organization’s signature fundraising event.
During this event, you’ll have the opportunity to hear speeches from our teens about where they started, how your generous support has helped shape who they are today, and what big dreams they have for the future. Before the night is over, one of our deserving teens will be presented with the organization’s most prestigious honor …
2022/2023 Youth of the Year
An experience you won’t want to miss!
Follow us for updates on Youth of the Year at #BGCMA #YouthOfTheYear and #VoicesForChange.