Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta (BGCMA) members’ unlimited potential was yet again ignited at the 2nd Annual Law Camp. First hosted in 2022 at Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton (KTS), where BGCMA Board Chair Charlie Henn is a partner, this unique opportunity gives Club members first-hand experiences with experienced attorneys. Read about the inaugural law camp here.
During the week of June 19, Club members from Chamblee Club and Whitehead Club returned to Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton (KTS) for the Second Annual Law Camp.
“The Kilpatrick Townsend Law Camp was born out of my passion for youth development and firm belief in the transformative power of legal education,” said Henn. “Now in its second year, the camp provides a safe, inclusive and engaging environment for Boys & Girls Club members to explore the intricacies of the legal world, develop critical thinking skills, and cultivate a sense of justice. It is a platform for teens to discover the power of their voices and the unlimited potential of their great futures. ”
Throughout the week, Club members were mentored by KTS attorneys and learned law fundamentals leek roles in a courtroom, professional branding, and trial prep. Additionally, two Club members participated in a first-time extension, communication law camp, where they learned about media briefings, video creation, editing, and the usage of media evidence for court.
They also say in on panels that educated them on the history of passing laws. In addition to the law camp, members interested in communications were also given the opportunity to learn about media, editing, and patent law communication.
“Some campers expressed that they had fun getting to know each other and that learning how to express themselves made them feel more comfortable and confident,” said Director of College and Career Readiness Dr. Anna Jones, “They were competitive and enjoyed participating in the Mock Trial after working hard all week.”