Martinis Character is Youth of the Year for the John H. Harland Boys & Girls Club. He’s excited about the recognition and wants to show teens and others how the arts can be used as a tool of empowerment for people going through tough times.
Arts programming gave Martinis a sense of belonging and helped him cope during a rocky period in his own life. Martinis recalled writing and illustrating being an outlet when bullies made fun of his high-pitched voice. He believes these bullies would have broken him down if it wasn’t for the friends and mentors he found at his Club. They encouraged him to love every part of his being and channel his emotions through the arts.
Martinis believes leaders use setbacks as set ups for greatness – a perspective he promotes to all the younger kids he helps at the Club. Martinis wants to be a role model to kids who do not have positive influences and he credits staff members like Ms. Janae for shaping him into the leader he is today.
“She encouraged me to do Youth of the Year last year.”
Martinis said Club service and leadership programs have given him the confidence to step up.
Martinis helps serve lunch and tutors younger kids – just a few of the reasons he was named Youth of the Year for two years in a row. In 2017, Martinis represented the W.W. Woolfolk Boys & Girls Club in Atlanta’s West End community, and this year, he proudly serves as Youth of the Year for Harland, a neighboring Club on the city’s Westside.
Martinis plans to further his education after high school and one day become a graphic designer.