Justin started at the Newnan Boys & Girls Club when he was 11 years old. He began his journey at his Club as a shy, reserved young boy who kept to himself most of the time. After getting to know the teen directors, staff, and other youth at his Club, Justin overcame his biggest challenge, which was opening up to people.
Justin credits his strong leadership skills to his involvement in programs such as the Keystone community service and leadership Club for teens, and the CareerBound program, which provides experiences that prepare teens for life after high school. He feels that these programs provided by his Club, gave him an inside look into different careers directly from career professionals, taught him money management skills, and showed him how to apply to college.
His most cherished memories include the moments he got to bond and get advice from his Club Executive Director, Lauren Odom, and Teen Director, Tyler Reed. Overtime, Justin found that he has a lot in common with both of them and look at them as positive role models in his life. They never cease to encourage him to strive to be the best version of himself and serve as a positive example for the other kids at his Club.
Justine hopes to take home the title of 2018 Youth of the Year because he wants to use the platform to inspire other kids to live a happy and healthy lifestyle. His love for sports has played a huge role in shaping him into the young man he is today, and he hopes to share his passion for staying active and practicing physical and mental wellness with kids across all the Clubs in metro Atlanta.
Upon graduating high school, Justin plans on attending college to play basketball and pursue a degree in forensic science.