You Helped Kids Blaze New Trails!
Tarrianna J. has her foot on the starting block. She’s focused on the lane ahead. The gun fires and the 8-year-old takes off. She is headed quick as lightning to her destination’s end – the #1 spot for the 200m and 400m dash in the 2016 Georgia Junior Track & Field Championship.
It was the healthy lifestyles director, Coach Barlow, at her Joseph B. Whitehead Boys & Girls Club who first noticed her talent. She was racing AND beating all of the boys at her Club! Realizing her gift, Coach Barlow began working with Tarrianna to hone her skill. Day-by-day, she grew stronger and faster.
Now 10 years old, Tarrianna still holds the USATF Junior record for girls 8 and under in the 200m dash. Because of your support, not only did this Club kid go on to compete in the National Junior Track & Field Championship, but she continues to blaze track and field competitions on the state and national level. Check out her history-making win below!