
1) How long have you been a member of Boys & Girls Club of Metro Atlanta?
I have been a part of the Boys and Girls for 5 years.
2) Why is your Boys & Girls Club important to you?
It is important to me because it has inspired me in all aspects of my life.
3) What is your career goal? What do you want to do, be when you grow up?
I want to make films.
4) How has your Club supported your goals for college, post-secondary education, and career?
My Club has supported me by allowing me to tour colleges, dabble in different career choice opportunities, and more.
5) Who has been a major influence in your life? Why?
My mother has been a major influence in my life due to her resilience and selflessness.
6) What is a success you achieved through the support of your Club?
I’ve been able to mentor kids younger than myself.
7) What is a challenge that your Club helped you overcome?
My shyness. That was something that held me back from many opportunities that I could have taken part in.
8) Do you volunteer in your community or at the Club? Can you share a few examples of this?
Yes, I mentor BGCMA kids during the LINK weekendsI a. lso am currently working multiple community service activities through my school’s drama club.
9) Why do you believe it is important for teens to use their voice in today’s society?
Yes, it’s very important because teens are the future of the country and it’s better to voice our opinions and aspirations sooner than later.
10) What are you doing, what can you do to spark positive change in today’s society?
I want to create films and possibly one day teach filmmaking to teens and children to inspire the youth. I want to do this because it’s important for the youth to see themselves represented in entertainment and media that is created by people that are like themselves.
11) What moment or moments in your Club do you believe have shaped you to serve as your Club’s Youth of the Year
Every summer I’ve worked at Camp Kiwanis, it has granted me the opportunity to connect with those younger than me.
Join us for the 2022 Youth of the Year Experience on November 11!
The Youth of the Year Celebration will recognize Atlanta’s most inspiring teens and serve as the organization’s signature fundraising event.
During this event, you’ll have the opportunity to hear speeches from our teens about where they started, how your generous support has helped shape who they are today, and what big dreams they have for the future. Before the night is over, one of our deserving teens will be presented with the organization’s most prestigious honor …
2022/2023 Youth of the Year
An experience you won’t want to miss!
Follow us for updates on Youth of the Year at #BGCMA #YouthOfTheYear and #VoicesForChange.