In the last 10 years, Kani Davis has made his Boys & Girls Club in Paulding County his second home, and takes great pride in it. Described by his peers and his Club staff as a “true helper” and natural leader, Kani embraces volunteer work. Sometimes that volunteer work is with community organizations for clothing drives, creating partnerships with his Club, and local churches to feed the homeless or simply staying until everyone leaves to make sure his Club is spotless and ready for fellow Club members the next day.
Regardless of need, Kani is happy to help.
Taking initiative in his academic goals has been a focus for Kani as he is dually enrolled at Paulding County High School and Chattahoochee Tech. Interested in taking a Japanese language class, Kani requested to enroll, but found out the school did not offer that class. So, he took it upon himself to advocate at his high school that the course be added as an addition to the language curriculum.
Teachers say he is the embodiment of leadership.
When Kani is not taking new classes or volunteering, he spends time running track and teaching fitness strategies and eating habits to his friends and family. He knows that volunteering, setting new academic goals, and creating a healthy lifestyle while in high school, will set him on the right path for the future.
He often reminds himself and his peers “there is no elevator to success, so you’ll have to take the stairs”, which is exactly how he plans to succeed.
Kani plans to attend Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) where he hopes to study Interactive Design and Game Development.
Support Kani on Facebook and Twitter with the hashtags: #YOYKani, #YOY2017, and #TheTimeIsNow
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