
1) How long have you been a member of Boys & Girls Club of Metro Atlanta?
I’ve been a Club member for 4 years.
2) Why is your Boys & Girls Club important to you?
Boys & Girls Club is important to me because they are helping me become the person I am.
3) What is your career goal? What do you want to do, be when you grow up?
My career goal is to become a dental hygienist or a dentist.
4) How has your Club supported your goals for college, post-secondary education, and career?
The Club has supported my career goal by having Gwinnett Workforce during the summer.
5) Who has been a major influence in your life? Why?
My Mom is a major influence on me. Throughout the years, I’ve seen her grow so much. From learning a new language and having a positive impact on her life. Throughout this process, I’ve seen her struggle but she has pushed on. Her action makes her the strongest person I know.
6) What is a success you achieved through the support of your Club?
A success that I have achieved through the support of the Club is the skill of communication.
7) What is a challenge that your Club helped you overcome?
A challenge that the Club helped me overcome is the fear of public speaking.
8) Do you volunteer in your community or at the Club? Can you share a few examples of this?
I do volunteer in my community and at the Club. In the Club, I work as a junior staff during the summer. In my community, I help out with food drives, landscaping, and helping at church camps.
9) Why do you believe it is important for teens to use their voice in today’s society?
I do believe it is important for teens to use their voices in today’s society. My reasoning behind this is that if teens make a habit of speaking up, as they grow up they won’t have difficulty doing so.
10) What are you doing, what can you do to spark positive change in today’s society?
I am respecting others’ rights to spark a positive change in today’s society. Even though we might not have the same points of view, they need to be respected.
11) What moment or moments in your Club do you believe have shaped you to serve as your Club’s Youth of the Year
Moments like working as a junior staff have shaped me to serve as a Club’s Youth of the Year. Working with every member and staff made me have strong compassion and understanding of my community.
Join us for the 2022 Youth of the Year Experience on November 11!
The Youth of the Year Celebration will recognize Atlanta’s most inspiring teens and serve as the organization’s signature fundraising event.
During this event, you’ll have the opportunity to hear speeches from our teens about where they started, how your generous support has helped shape who they are today, and what big dreams they have for the future. Before the night is over, one of our deserving teens will be presented with the organization’s most prestigious honor …
2022/2023 Youth of the Year
An experience you won’t want to miss!
Follow us for updates on Youth of the Year at #BGCMA #YouthOfTheYear and #VoicesForChange.