National Boys & Girls Club Week is a very special time of the year for us to celebrate and spread awareness about the amazing work that we do and the impact we make in the lives of our kids and teens. As a valued member of our community, we’d like to invite you to join us in this celebration. Get involved, have fun, and let’s make this BGC Week unforgettable!
Social Media Activities for BGCA Week (June 24-28):
Please add the BGC Week donation link to your posts: Happy National Boys & Girls Club Week! | GAgives
- Monday: Level 1: Game Loading… MOVEMENT MONDAY Share what you love most about the movement with either a video or a picture. Be sure to use the hashtags #BGCMAWeek24 #BGCMA #TheMovement #Impact #MetroAtlanta #Nonprofit #Atlanta #YouthDevelopment #MovementMonday
- Tuesday: Level 2: The Legends of BGC…. TRUE TO THE BLUE Show your BGCMA pride by wearing blue or sporting a BGCA pin. Be sure to use the hashtags #TruetotheBlue #BGCMAWeek24 #BGCMA #TheMovement #Impact #MetroAtlanta #Nonprofit #Atlanta #YouthDevelopment
- Wednesday: Level 3: Next Level…WORKFORCE WEDNESDAY Repost our workforce Readiness, STEM, and arts programs social posts. Be sure to use the hashtags #STEM #WorkforceReadiness #Arts #BGCMAWeek24 #BGCMA #TheMovement #Impact #MetroAtlanta #Nonprofit #Atlanta #YouthDevelopment
- Thursday: Level 4: Power Boost…TRANQUILITY THURSDAY Share a quick video on how you maintain positive mental health. Be sure to use the hashtags #MentalHealth #Wellness #BGCMAWeek24 #BGCMA #TheMovement #Impact #MetroAtlanta #Nonprofit #Atlanta #YouthDevelopment
- Friday: Level 5: Fund-A-Need Friday (Fund-A-Need examples) Celebrate the last day of the week by wearing your summer BGCMA shirt and share on your social media accounts: “Happy Fund-A-Need Friday! Consider making a $50 gift that will provide after-school snacks for one week ….” Be sure to use the hashtags #ImInTheMovement #BGCMAWeek24 #BGCMA #TheMovement #Impact #MetroAtlanta #Nonprofit #FundANeedFriday #Atlanta #YouthDevelopment
If you have any questions, please reach out to Armani Hansell, Director of Individual Giving Campaigns, at ahansell@bgcma.org.
Categories:BGCMA News, Clubs, Events