Dear Parents & Guardians –
I am writing to let you know about a few changes that are coming down the pike at our John H. Harland and W. W. Woolfolk Boys & Girls Clubs.
As you know, we reached out earlier this summer and shared we had identified several large scale issues with the Harland facility that needed to be addressed. Because of this, we moved our summer programming to the W.W. Woolfolk Club. As we began to investigate further and started repairs at the Harland Club, we realized the issues are more extensive than originally anticipated. We have made the decision to keep Harland closed next year and explore alternate options for you and your families.
We are happy to report we will be able to welcome the majority of kids and teens at our W. W. Woolfolk Boys & Girls Club. You can expect the same hours (2pm – 8pm) and many of the same faces at the new location.
For those new to this location, the address is:
W. W. Woolfolk Boys & Girls Club (1.7 miles from Harland Club)
1642 Richland Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30311
Registration is on a first come first serve basis and will be open Monday, July 10 – Friday, July 21.
We are currently working on transportation options and will keep you updated.
Since space is limited and we may not be able to fit all families at our Woolfolk location, we are also exploring other sites. We have several potential partnerships with local elementary schools in the area. Stay tuned for more here!
As we make this change, you will also see shifts in the staff and leadership at your Club. Yolanda Joe, the current Executive Director at W. W. Woolfolk Boys & Girls Club, is leaving the organization effective Tuesday, June 27. Stephanie Reynolds will be taking over leadership of the Club now and into the future.
Looking toward the future, we are slated to break ground on the new facility at our Harland site late 2017 and expect the building to be fully functional by the end of 2018. Once the building is open, we welcome all families from Woolfolk and Harland to attend the new Club.
We know that you’ve had to shoulder several big changes this year and we thank you for your patience as we move forward. We believe the new John H. Harland Innovation & Expression Studio will be a wonderful addition to the community and your kids.
We will be hosting a Parent Meeting July 11, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at the Woolfolk Club to talk more and answer additional questions. You can also reach out directly to me to discuss further.
We appreciate you entrusting us with your kids and have enjoyed getting to know your families! We look forward to many more years working with you to help kids succeed in school, live healthy, and become leaders.
Stephanie Reynolds
Executive Director
John H. Harland Boys & Girls Club