1. What does the phrase “Inner Rockstar” mean to you?
- “Your inner self, like who you always wanted to be but you felt like you couldn’t really be or show anyone who you really are.”
- I always looked up to Gabrielle Union.
- When I was younger, I was more quiet. Yeah I’m outspoken now. In 5th/6th grade, I was bullied a lot, not really wanting to fit in.
- “I realized people are going to be pick on me being the weird kid. I grew to love my weirdness. Now I float to the beat of my own drum.”
2.Tell us about a success you achieved through the support of your Club?
Ms. Terry at Barkdale… when she came, she helped me grow a lot. She met me when I was in 6th grade, so she saw the bigger picture in me. She saw this shy kid that wanted to fit in with everybody but there was something more. She’s a leader. She’s driven. She has potential. She didn’t give up. She kept pushing me. She helped grow me into the young woman I am today. Without the help of Ms. Terry and other people at the Boys & Girls Club, I wouldn’t be where I am.
3. Tell us about a barrier or challenge that your Club helped you to overcome?
We skipped this question.
4. Why is your Boys & Girls Club important to you?
Boys & Girls Club is extremely important to me. I’ve grown up in the Boys & Girls Club. It’s like my second family. All the members and friends I’ve made are like my younger brothers and sisters. The staff are like my aunts and uncles. It’s some place that is near and dear to me. I will always have a special place in my heart for Barksdale.
5. Who else has been a major influence in your life?
A major influence has been my mom, my family. I’m very family oriented, so I’m close to my family and they have been an impact in my life. My mom is very strong. She taught me how to be strong and independent.
6. What exciting or cool experiences have you had because you were a member at your Club?
One thing that was cool was I think it was at the Warren Boys & Girls Club. I was in Keystone before COVID. I was president of Keystone and currently president of Keystone. The gold party. It’s when we had to meet criteria for community service and if you met the goal, we all are invited to the gold party. They had a girl’s day Olympic Day. That was fun.
7. In what ways has your Club supported your goals for college, post-secondary education, and career?
One event that we did have when Ms. Leah was our director. She had us … we attended the Old Navy in Conyers. They taught us what they do at Old Navy and how it works. The ins and outs , cash register, fold clothes, stock. Shadow day.
“Ms. Terry talks about how she’s counting on me. I’m the oldest. I have to be the example. She asks me what college I want to go to and what I want to do.” …. Savannah State. Start off with a two-year college and then transfer.
8. Do you volunteer in your community or at the Club? Can you share a few examples of this?
We have a mentoring program that I started about 2 years ago. I started with the 6th grade girls because of how I was in 6th grade. I was more quiet and wanted to fit in. That’s the year where girls are trying to find themselves and have to be a certain way because society said so. Each year, I would bring in two girls. The following year, I made them pick somebody to mentor and bring into the group.
9. What worries you the most about your future?
My biggest worry is that it won’t work how I think it’s going to work. I have had my life planned out for myself for since I was 7th grade, so I’ve always known what I want to do and how I was going to get there, but life happens. My biggest fear is that it will fail tremendously. I will get into a crossroad and won’t know how to figure it out.
10. What are you doing/can you do to spark positive change?
I have thought about it a lot. When I was interviewed for YOY, Ms. — talked to me and she had an idea about how I like fashion, so she was saying that in the community people are bullied because they don’t have enough funds. We talked about how it would be a good idea to design clothes and give back to the community. I would love to that.
Join us for the 2021 Livestream Youth of the Year Experience on November 12th!
Themed “Breakthrough Stars”, this livestream will celebrate Atlanta’s most inspiring teens and fundraise to support important Boys & Girls Clubs programs.
During this livestream, you’ll have the opportunity to hear speeches from our teens about where they started, how your generous support has helped shape who they are today, and what big dreams they have for the future. At the finale, one of our deserving teens will be presented with the organization’s most prestigious honor – 2021/2022 Youth of the Year. We’ll also have entertainment streaming from Atlanta’s very own Gritz & Jelly Butter Band and Lilac Wine.
Don’t miss our livestream experience!
Follow us for updates on Youth of the Year at #BGCMA #YouthOfTheYear and #GreatFutures