Nearly 50 BGCMA leaders were afforded a free opportunity to participate in McKinsey Academy’s Ability to Execute (A2E) Essentials — thanks to the generous support of our new Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta (BGCMA) board member cohort and our partners at McKinsey & Company!
A2E Essentials equips participants with competencies needed to drive and sustain transformational change, and the program certainly made an impact to the 46 BGCMA participants.
“The Big Rocks conversation really helped me to reassess what matters most and adjust my perspective on prioritization,” said VP of Marketing & Communications Dr. Sherna Phillips. “As a leader, it’s important to set the example of prioritizing tasks in a strategic manner.”
Over the course of several weeks, BGCMA employees participated in the capability building program designed to (1) equip and empower us with critical skills and mindsets to execute more effectively, (2) drive behavioral change to sustain a culture of high performance, and (3) inspire action to lead change in BGCMA to realize our strategic vision.
As a bonus, actor and former Club kid Anthony Anderson made a special surprise appearance at the culminating session. He shared his Club experience, answered questions, and pledged to donate to our CareerBound program.
“Because of the Boys & Girls Clubs, I am able to do what I do today,” Anderson said.