1) Why is your Boys & Girls Club important to you?
The Boys and Girls Club is important to me because it’s a community that teaches, motivates, and
supports my dreams and goals. The staff at my Club are the ones I can depend on when I need it most and I’m grateful for that.
2) Who else has been a major influence in your life?
My mother has been a major influence in my life, she has always been my number one motivator. She
saw my potential for art at a young age, and I began to do art, and eventually got some of my artwork into the Marel Brown Creative Writing Anthology. I also have some of my artwork at the Boys and Girls Club of America building and my Southeast Regional photo is hanging at the Harland Boys and Girls Club. My mom has always been my cheerleader, she’s been there for me through everything and I appreciate her for that. She supports me through the Club, and life at home, and I’m grateful.
3) What is a success you achieved through the support of your Club?
Through the Club, I was able to join the FAME art magnet program at my school; the artwork that I
used to apply for the program, I created at the Boys and Girls Club. I was so excited when I got in, and my Club was happy for me as well.
4) What is a challenge that your Club helped you overcome?
The Club made me appreciate my art more. In the beginning I didn’t think I was any good at art and that’s why I didn’t participate in any art festivals or
competitions, but my Club saw my potential and told me that I was actually good and I began to see that as well. Because of that I started to create more art I won the southeastern regional photography award and sold art in my school’s auction. They helped me realize that I am a great artist.
5) What exciting or cool experiences have you had because you were a member at your Club?
Because I was a member of the Club I was able to travel to Maryland on a baseball/ softball trip. During
the trip I went ziplining for the first time, hiking, swimming, and created friends from different states. It was a great experience because I met other Boys and Girls Club members from all over the country! It was cool to meet different people.
6) In what ways has your Club supported your goals for college, post-secondary education, and career?
Because of my Club, I was offered a Posse scholarship that will cover a full tuition for Boston University, which is my first choice, or Brandeis University, which is my second choice.
7) Do you volunteer in your community or at the Club? Can you share a few examples of this?
At my Club during homework time, I use my knowledge to help the elementary kids with their homework. I also help with the cleaning after snack time. At school during games, sometimes I face paint to raise money for the FAME art department.
8) Why is it important for teens to use their voice in today’s society?
It’s important for teens to use their voice in today’s society because we are the future and the leaders
of tomorrow. Today’s society is changing, and the new generation should be heard–our opinions and our thoughts matter! Times are changing and the policies and decisions made will impact our future. We deserve a seat at the table.
9) What worries you the most about your future?
That I won’t make an impact within my community and the environment. But most importantly I don’t want tobecome a disappointment to my parents.
10) What are you doing/can you do to spark positive change?
I can start by teaching the youth at my Club on how to compost and ways to make the environment better, and even getting our local community involved.
Join us for the 2020 Livestream Youth of the Year Experience on November 6!
Themed “Breakthrough Stars”, this Livestream event will celebrate Atlanta’s most inspiring teens and fundraise to support important Boys & Girls Clubs programs.
During this livestream experience, you’ll have the opportunity to hear speeches from our teens about where they started, how your generous support has helped shape who they are today, and what big dreams they have for the future. At the finale, one of our deserving teens will be presented with the organization’s most prestigious honor – 2020/2021 Youth of the Year. We’ll also have entertainment streaming from Atlanta’s very own Gritz & Jelly Butter Band and Lilac Wine.
Don’t miss our first-ever livestream experience!
Follow us for updates on Youth of the Year at #BGCMA #YouthOfTheYear and #VoicesForChange.