Sundiata joined Barksdale Boys and Girls Club in 6th grade, and over the past 5 years the staff and his peers at the Club have become his “extended family.” From the day he walked into the Club, he has met coaches and teammates who have challenged him and nurtured his love of basketball and his drive to succeed academically.
Sundiata has a passion for the Civil Rights Movement, and cares deeply about the youth of today, wanting them to be free of stereotypes that would hinder their opportunities for tomorrow. What sets him apart from many is a special energy that makes people gravitate toward him. He holds himself responsible and acts with respect towards everything and everyone that he comes in contact with. A tireless worker, Sundiata wakes up at 5am each morning to run. To relax, he listens to jazz and also writes poetry.
A junior in high school, Sundiata was selected to be a member of the National Society of High School Scholars.
He is on the Rockdale County High School Basketball team and is enrolled in several AP courses including Language, Chemistry, U.S. History, and Pre-Calculus. Sundiata has held many titles including Vice President for the NAACP Youth Council and State Senate page to Janice Van Ness. He is also part of the Model Atlanta Regional Commission.
In the future, Sundiata plans to attend Georgia Tech on an academic or athletic scholarship and to pursue a degree in aerospace engineering. He gives credit to the Boys and Girls Clubs for helping to shape his life and his future.
Read more about the leadership programs that have led Sundiata to become a Youth of the Year.