
Club membership: Joined in 2013
Post-Secondary/Career Interest: Major in Aeronautical Engineering and Aviation and ultimately become a commercial pilot for Delta Airlines.
What does the phrase masterpiece in the making mean to you? To me, a masterpiece in the making is something/someone that is beautiful from the inside out and takes time to perfect.
Why is it important for kids to use their voice? I think it’s important for teens to use their voice in today’s society because we are the next generation of leaders. We’re going to be the ones in charge of running big corporations and the small businesses that help our communities thrive. Making decisions for the youth of the next generation. I think it’s important for teens to use the voice that we have because sometimes we aren’t regarded as much because we’re not adults and we don’t have as much experience. But although we don’t have as much experience, we still know what we want the outcome of the world to look like when we grow older.
Short Bio: Arianna is a 17-year-old high school senior who has attended the Boys & Girls Club for 10 years and credits the Club for allowing “me to embrace who I really am. I believe that the members and Club staff have provided me with a safe space to come out of my shell and not be afraid to show who I really am to the world.” They are an A/B Honor Roll student, Girl Scout, varsity softball player, and National Honor Society member. Arianna says their Club’s College & Career Readiness programming helped them narrow their list from 15 schools to their top 3 schools. After high school, Arianna plans to study Aeronautical Engineering and Aviation and become a commercial pilot for Delta Airlines.