On Tuesday, Feb. 28 Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta (BGCMA) organizational Youth of the Year Elias D. and Michael A. Grant Club’s Youth of the Year Isaiah H. joined Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s (BGCA) National Days of Advocacy (NDOA) in Washington D.C., where leaders from hundreds of Boys & Girls Clubs from across the country engaged members of Congress around the critical needs of kids and teens in America.
National Days of Advocacy serves as an opportunity for Boys & Girls Clubs to build awareness and garner support in its mission to enable all young people to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. This event provides a chance for Club leaders and members to meet directly with their elected officials to talk about the critical issues impacting kids and their community and the role Clubs play in the lives of kids and their futures.
Being a part of NDOA truly opened my eyes to the change that our voices can make and the level of impact we can have even as youth. My confidence has grown in my willingness to elevate my advocacy efforts. – Elias Dennis

During their time in Washington, D.C., as representatives of BGCMA, Elias and Isaiah met with elected representatives in the U.S. House and Senate to speak on issues impacting youth and the role Boys & Girls Clubs play in the community.
Elias and Isaiah advocated for Georgia’s youth to Georgia’s representation in the United States Senate and spoke with Senator Rev. Raphael Warnock and Senator Jon Osoff. They also met with the United States Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy.
National Days of Advocacy allow Club leaders, members, volunteer leadership, and alumni to meet with members of Congress and key staff to share their stories and discuss the critical issues currently facing youth and the inspirational ways Clubs are moving the needle for America’s young people. As part of the event, Club advocates are provided training, opportunities, and exposure designed to hone their advocacy
expertise year-round.
Participating in NDOA gave me a chance to view the importance and impact of The Boys and Girls Club at scale in a way that I haven’t yet had the chance to see before.- Isaiah Hubert