Camp Kiwanis’ 7th Annual Camp AMP’ED was a success! Over the Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend, teens across Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta joined together at Camp K for dance, music, crafts, and more. Camp AMP’ED offers Club teens a long weekend getaway to learn and refine their artistic skills and make new friends.
This year’s Camp AMP’ED was themed, “We Are Art.” In just one weekend, with the help of Club staff, Club teens presented a production filled with choreography, original songs, spoken word, and much more.
Camp K Executive Director Carly Robinson said, “We truly embodied We Are Art this weekend!”

This year’s Camp AMP’ED featured visual arts led by Ms. Anya (Warren Club), video production led by Mr. Blake (Harland Club), music production led by Mr. Kirk (A. Worley Brown Club), and an inaugural dance class led by Mr. Ja’Reese (East DeKalb Club).
Clark Atlanta University Assistant Director of Choral Activities and CEO and Founder of Royal Class Music Group Reggie Gibson served as the keynote speaker. Through interactive activities, words of wisdom, and inspirational stories, Gibson showed Camp AMP’ED participants how they can turn art and passions “into a business.”

“Thanks to our inspiring staff that made this such a wonderful event,” said Robinson, “Not only deep diving into their art form, but also playing hard, dancing harder, and having fun!”

Additional thank you to Jamal (Shaquille O’Neal Club), Addea (Lawrenceville Club), DeVontre, Nathan, Leslie (Lawrenceville Club), Karen (Lawrenceville Club) & Ayita for serving as cabin counselors. Program Directors Jesse and Taj (Matthews Club) for DJ’ing, running programs, meals, and evening activities. Chamblee Boys & Girls Club, Adrianne, Roshunnia, and Isaac for always being ready to assist.
Thank you to Camp K’s kitchen crew and staff (Ms. Elizabeth, Mr. Hootie, Mr. Daniel, and Mr. Sam) for keeping campers well-fed and keeping Camp K running smooth. Also, thank you to the Leaders in Nature’s Kingdom teens (L.I.N.K.s) who made everyone feel welcome at Camp K.
Final thank you to Camp K Director Robinson and Arts & Innovation Director Ruben Royster for curating a great weekend for Club teens!