Let them lead. Ask your kids to take charge of the family exercise schedule for a week — and promise that you’ll do whatever they choose. This gives them a chance to flex their creative muscles and encourages accountability for the family’s workout.
Make dinner fun. Get the kids involved in the process. Each week, assign a day for everyone to pick the vegetable of their choice. Let the kids help set the table, wash the veggies and chop them up (if they’re old enough to safely complete this task!). Throw on some good music while you work.
Do it for a cause! Is there a local organization like Boys & Girls Clubs or charity near and dear to your family’s heart? See if they are hosting fundraising walks or activities, or you can always round up friends and neighbors to organize your own walk for a cause such as your kid’s PTA or Little League.
Be spontaneous. Exercise with kids whenever the opportunity arises! For example, turn the trip from the car to the house into a race, do push-ups during TV commercials. Make it fun!
Make a fruity smoothie! Worried the kids don’t eat enough fruits and veggies? Create a game to see who can make the most delicious smoothie. The catch? They can only use fruits, veggies, and almond milk (for an extra rich and creamy flavor!)