Thank You for Your Support!
We are grateful that so many individuals, corporate organizations, foundations, and government partners believe in and support our mission. It is because of you that we are able to shape the lives of thousands of kids each day.
Check out a list of our top 2016 supporters below!
Click here to view a PDF of our donor list.
* Denotes Circle of Promise Member
± Indicates Members of the Miriam H. and John Conant Planned Giving Society
Amerigroup Corporation
Atlanta Falcons Youth Foundation
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Boys & Girls Clubs of America
Centers of Hope Atlanta Initiative Fund
Cherokee County Community Development Block Grant
The Correll Family Foundation
Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning
Georgia Department of Human Services
The Goizueta Foundation
Office of Justice Programs, Department of Juvenile Justice
United States Soccer Federation Foundation, Inc.
United Way of Greater Atlanta
The UPS Foundation

$50,000 – $99,999
12Stone Church
Cisco Systems Foundation
DPR Hardin Construction, Inc.
Mark and Buffie Feidler*±
Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Georgia
Kiwanis Foundation of Atlanta,, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Rogers, Jr. *±
Zeist Foundation, Inc.
$10,000 – $24,999
AdvoCare Foundation
Alston & Bird LLP
Arnold Foundation, Inc.
Atlanta Charity Clays, Inc.
Atlanta Foundation
Bank of North Georgia
Bryan and Kathleen Batson*
Frank Blake*
Stephanie Blank*
Simon Bloom*±
Paul Bowers*
Donald and Gloria Bramblett*
Mary Allen Lindsey Branan Foundation
Nicholas and Teresa Brown*
Bryan Cave LLP
Burr & Forman LLP
Capgemini Financial Services
The CarMax Foundation
Carroll County Office of Commission
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Cobb Community Foundation
The Coca-Cola Company
Comcast Corporation
Martha and Sean Cook*
Cousins Properties, Inc.
Cox Communications, Inc.
Jay and Diane Dayhoff*
DeKalb County Human Development Department
James Dixon*
Douglas County Board of Commissioners
Richard and Susan Dugas Family Foundation*
Fulton County Arts and Culture
General Mills Foundation
Gentle Turner & Sexton
Georgia Food Bank Association
The Price Gilbert, Jr. Charitable Fund
Goldman, Sachs & Company
Tommy and Elizabeth Green*
Tee and Jennifer Green*
Greenberg Traurig LLP
Greenway Health, LLC
Greystone Power Corporation
Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration
Charlie and Anne Henn*
Edgar B. Hollis Testamentary Trust
The Home Depot Foundation
Hospital Authority of Rockdale County
Insight Sourcing Group
Jackson EMC Foundation
John W. Bell P.C, Attorney At Law
Joe E. Johnston Foundation
Kason Industries
Kia Motors America, Inc.
King & Spalding LLP
Kohl’s Department Stores
LGE Community Credit Union Lily Transportation Corp.
Livingston Foundation, Inc.
Kelly Loeffler*
Demetrios Logothetis
Tom and Pat McNeill*
Mellow Mushroom
Gregory Miller*
Robert and Suzanne Mimms*
MUFG Union Bank, N.A.
NCR Foundation
Nordson Corporation Foundation
Northside Hospital Cherokee
Jeff Paul*
Primerica Foundation
Primerica Life Insurance Company
Alan and Cathy Prince*
Quality Technology Services, LLC
Rotary Club of Atlanta
Rick and Gina Rufolo*
Ida Alice Ryan Charitable Trust
Brian and Karla Sadler*
John and Katie Schumacher*
Southwire Company
Paul and Marie Swope*
Vulcan Materials Company – Southeast Division Office
Susan and Preston Ward*
John Wesley*
Willy’s Mexicana Grill
Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc.
$2,500 – $4,999
Kimberly Ajy*
Paul and Debbie Anderson*
Atlanta Braves Foundation
Atlanta Office Liquidators, Inc.
Ben Aune and Penny Scheetz*
Todd and Lanier Barnes*
Beck Janitorial
Bill and Jennifer Beebe*
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Been*
Bennett Thrasher Foundation
Elvina Berry-Calland*
Best Buy
Stan and Laura Blackburn*
Bertram Boley*
Art and Blair Brady*
The Brand Banking Company
Brasfield & Gorrie
Armin and Liz Brecher*±
Brookwood High School
The PJ and Dee Brown Foundation
Camp-Younts Foundation
Carroll County Narcotics Task Force
Jerel Causey*
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Sarah Clamp*
The Clorox Company
Evelyn and Bryant Coats *
COS Business Products
Courier Express
Coweta County Water & Sewerage Authority
Jennifer Crenshaw*
DeKalb County Board of Health
Dewberry Capital Corporation
Division of Family and Children Services
DLA Piper LLP (US)
Dominos Georgia Supply Chain Center
Stacey Eames*
Kathleen Eaton*
Thad and Beth Ellis*
Enterprise Holdings
Charisse Evans*
Frazier & Deeter, LLC
Freddy’s Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers
John and Ashley Freeman*
Gas South LLC
Gerard Gibbons*
Marc and Akima Harrigan*
Twanna Harris*
Dr. and Mrs. James I. Herbert*
Edward and Lori Heys*
Kenneth and Stephanie Hodge*
Ryan Hojnacki*
The Housing Authority of the City of Dallas
Mark and Rachel Huffstetler*
Insurance Office of America, Inc.
Integrated Logistics
Leslie Irvine*
Doris Isaacs*
Dwight James*
John Bleakley Ford, Inc.
Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc.
Morgan and Celia Kendrick*
Sheri Killam*
Gregory and Stephanie King*
Andi and Alan Wieczynski*
Kiwanis Club of Newnan, Inc.
The Kroger Company
Kutak Rock LLP
Elizabeth and Jason Loudermilk*
LTS Education Systems
Mike and Barbara Mahoney*
Majestic Realty
MARTA Employees Charity Club
Lenore and Victor Maslia Foundation
Glenn Mason*
The Florence Hunt Maxwell Foundation
The McClure Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Milford McGuirt*
Miller Coors
Gary and Lisa Mills*
Candice Moore*
Mosaic Investments
Newnan Utilities
Michael Newton*
Martha O’Neill*
Orange County Community Foundation
Justin Orlando*
Outdoor Effects, Inc.
Oxford Industries
Mr. Justin Palmer*
Pappas Restaurants, Inc.
Partnership Against Domestic Violence
Peach State Health Plan
Penske Truck Leasing Company
Platinum Circle Technologies, LLC
Robert and Brenda Potter*
Renato Razon*
Retail Planning Corporation
Tom and Betty Roach*
Paul and Robin Sansone*
David Scheible*
Robbie and Lora Schipper*
Brian Schmitt*
Ashley and Carr Scott*
Elna Sheetz*
Gregory and Molly Shilling*
Smith & Howard, P.C.
Todd and Ashley Stanton*
State Bank and Trust Company
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
James and Eileen Thanner*
Troutman Sanders LLP
TSG Reporting
Universal Alloy Corporation
Iain Urquhart*
Vista Metals Georgia
Walmart Stores, Inc.
Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.
Wellstar Health System, Inc.
West Georgia Technical College
Nadine White*
Melvin Williams*
Brent and Trojanell Wilson*±
Joshua and Stephanie Wilson*
Wilson Parker Homes
Robert and Mary Yellowlees*
Patrick and Jamie Yoh*±
$50 – $999
4th Round, Inc.
911 Restoration of Atlanta
AAA Machine Shop, Inc.
Donald Abrams
Accel Physical Therapy, Inc.
Acuity Brands Lighting
Alfred and Sarah Adams
Hannah Adams
Henry Adams
Kenneth Adams
Kevin Adams
Nathaniel and Verna Adams
Tanya Adams
Adeyemi and Adegboyega Adesokan
Kent Adkisson
Administrative Services, Inc.
Douglas Aholt and Monica Farley
Nicole Ajavon
Victoria Akin
Akins Ford
Robert and Blanche Albin
Amy Alderman
Lani Aldridge Roland
George Alexander
Kewanna Alexander
Kimberly Alexander
Lucas Alexander
Paula Alexander
David Alkhazraji
Barb Allen±
Crystal Allen
John and Marilyn Allen
Lance Allen
Lloyd and Lissy Allen
Marcus Allen
Sarah Allen
Spencer Allen
Alliance Theatre
Paul Altermatt
Rich and Ann Marie Alvarez
Siobhan Alvarez
Philip and Kathy Alvers
AmazonSmile Foundation
Katherine Ambellan
Christina Ambrose
American Kidney Services, Inc.
Amica Companies Foundation
Kevin Ammons
Joseph Amsbary
Thomas and Ethel Andersen
Alan Anderson
Clay Anderson
Erik Anderson
Fernandez and Najiawa Anderson
Jason Anderson
Kenneth Anderson
Robert and Kelly Anderson
- Anderson
Dave Andrews
Jackie Angel
Robin Annexstein
Janice and Phillip Anochie
Anthem Associate Giving Campaign
Apple Investment Group
Ronald Apple
Michael Armstrong
Arnall Golden Gregory LLP
Amy Arnold
Jay Arnold
Tasha Arnstad
Arrow Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.
Melanie Arvie
Asbury Law Firm
Wade Ashe
Scott Asher
Natalie Ashman
Kathleen Ashton
Assured Comfort Heating & Air, Inc.
Atlanta Beverage Company
Atlanta Digestive Center LLC
Atlanta Endodontics, Inc.
The Atlanta Hawks Basketball Club
Atlanta Kitchen Equipment, Inc.
Atlanta Orthodontic Specialists PC
Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation, Inc.
Atlantis Contracting
Ronald Aucoin
Jill Auerbach
Stephen Aultman
Aurelius Golf
Phyllis Austin
John and Elizabeth Ayers
B & L Disposal, Inc.
John Babb
William Bacot
William and Laurie Baggett
Matthew Bailey
Donald and Sharon Baker
Gary and Lori Baker
Jenny Baker
Gerardo Balboni
Paul Baldasaro
Laura Ball
Allen Banks
Sarah Elizabeth Banks
Victoria Banks
Jeffrey Bannister
Brian and Amy Barden
Steve and Karen Barker
Latoya Barnaby
Anne and John Barnes
Kathy Barnes
Preston Barnes
Sara Barnes
Taylor and Brittany Barnes
Michael J. Barnhill
Jess Barron
John and Rachael Barron
William Barwick
Ginnie Baskin
Geoffrey and Natalie Bastow
Leslie K. Bates
Scott and Jennifer Bates
Frank BattIii
Joel Baxter
Jefferson Baynes
Bayou Meto, Inc.
Glennis Beacham
Thomas Beaty
Frank Beaumont
Kim Beaver
Karen Beavor
The Bechler-Karsch Family
Lora and Charles Beck
Becker Homes, Inc.
Bradley Beckman
Susan Bell and Patrick Morris
Bobby and Mary Ann Bell
Barry and Eileen Benator
Benchmark International Realty, Inc.
Sandra Benjamin
Stephen Bennett
Fred Bentley
Lori Bentley
William Bentley
Kathy Benton
Nicholas Benzine
Milate Berhane
Jeffrey Bernard
Kenneth and Carolyne Bernard
Ellen and Terry Bernstein
Gary Bernstein
John Berry
Rachel Berry
Best Bonding, Inc.
Beta Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa
Tysheoma Bethea
Better World Books
William Bibb
Jake and Megan Bielema
Douglas Bills
Phyllis Birdlitt
David and Denise Black
David Black
Melanie Blackman
Joseph Blackstock
Velma Blackwell
Blakely Enterprises, Inc.
James and Pam Blalock
William and Susan Bledsoe
Rachelle Blossomgame
Brian Blythe
Lee-Ann Blythe
John Bobrowski
Andraco Bohannon
William and Sally Boice
Teresa Bone
Nivalda Bonfim
Andrew Borders
Stephen Borengasser
Stephanie-Marie Borg
Joseph Bounds
Daniel Bowden Doris Bowden
Mary Bowers
Tim and Janet Bowyer
Melissa Box
Charles Boyd
Cynthia Boyd
Hope Boyd
Jacqueline Boyd
Mary Boyle
William and Mary Jan Boyle
Betsy Brakovich
Kyle Branch
Thomas Branch
Elizabeth Brandt
Charles Branz
Robert and Sally Brass
Andrew Braun
Keith and Samantha Brazie
Lester Brazzel
Elliot Brennan
Jennifer Bressler
Judith Brevard
Rogers and Jolene Brewbaker
Jeffery Brewer
John and Rosalind Brewer
Kevin Bridges
Jason Bright
Renee Bristol
Jonathan Bristow
David and Alora Brock
- H. Bronner
Brookhaven Orthodontics
Adrienne Brooks
Alexis and Ryan Brooks
Alton Brooks
Michael Brooks
Morris and Bernice Brooks
Rozlin Broome
Victoria McAllister Brossy
Joan Brotschul
Bennett Brown
Christine Marie Brown
Christopher Brown
Damare Brown
Delmer Brown
Diane Brown
Donovin Brown
Garret Brown
George Brown
Julie Brown
Leonarda Brown
McKinley Brown
Meagan Brown
Raina Brown
Richard Brown
Spencer Brown
Stephen and Kathleen Brown
Steven Brown
Tamiko Brown
Walter Brown
Donald and Pamela Brunn
Dan Bryan
Matthew Bubriski
Michael Buchanan
Buckhead Lions Club
Melanie and Jeremy Buckmaster
Randall Buice
Timothy Bullard
Robert Bunch
Thomas Burel
David Burge
Harold Burnett
Janet Burney
Daran Burns
Matthew Burns Jr
Chelsye Burrows
Will Burton
Michael and Barbara Butkus
Elizabeth Butler
Thermus Butler
Charles and Amy Butts
Pamela Buzbee
Byers Engineering Company
Eric and Nick Bymaster
Deborah Bynum
Quin Bynum
Angela and Ken Byrd
Mike and Charlice Byrd
Cactus Car Wash
Chasity Cagle
Raymond and Lynn Cagle
Calahan Funeral Home
Andrew and Crystal Caldwell
Kelvin E. Caldwell
Tiffany Callaway
Mary Callender
Sharon Callender
Marie Cameron
Elizabeth Camp
Jody Campbell
Jonathan and Lynnda Campbell
Zach Campbell
Daniel Candetto
David and Jory Cannon
Roger Cannon
Sarah Cannon
Byron Cape
Brenda Capers
Janie Caplan
Commercial Card
Michael Carey
Timothy Carlson
Carpet Depot
Ashley Carr
Mark and Ellen Carrington
Carrollton Civic Womans Club
Carrollton First Methodist Church
Carrollton High School Club
Carrollton Presbyterian Church
Gemma Carson
Kenneth and Helen Carson
Bobbi Carter
Emily Carter
Trey and Beth Carter
William and Ethelrine Carter
Yvette Caruthers
Dac Carver
Jose and Melissa Casablanca
Deborah Casey
Demetrius Cass
James and Carolyn Caswell
Causecast Foundation
Shirleta Cele
The Center for Family Resources, Inc.
Theresa Chamblee
John Chambley
Sharon Chambliss
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Chaney
Vong chang
Barbara Chapman
Donald Chapman
Kim Chapman
Theresa Chapman
Joni Chastain
Richard and Beverly Cheatham
Cherokee County Sports Hall of Fame
Cherokee Youth Football Association
Vanessa Cherry
Chick-Fil-A Bowl
Jean and William Chin
Tatiana Chin
Sarah Chisholm
William and Donna Choate
Colleen Christensen
Victor Churn
City Tavern
Sheryl Clark
Charles and Anna Clarke
Class Leasing, Inc.
The Clayman Family
Drew Clayton
Diana Cleveland
Erica Cliette
Lila Clifton
Ashley Cline
Christopher Cochran
Sara Coe
Christopher Cohen
Leiann Cohen
The Cohen Family
William and Susan Cohen
Keenan Colbert
Cole Family Charitable Foundation
Thomas D. Cole
Alecia Coleman
Angela Coleman
Darryl and Teri Coleman±
Levi Coleman
Aminah Collick
Charles and Jaye Collier
Kyle Collier
Patience Collier
Bernard Colligan
Amanda Collins
Cherie Collins
Christopher Collins
Matthew and Jennifer Collins
Robbin Collins Michael Colt
John Coltfelter
Committee To Elect Tim Pounds
Communications Workers of America
Community & Southern Bank
Compass Self Storage
Competitive Mortgage Services
Complete Cardiology PC
Comtrac Services, Inc.
Dennis and Elaine Connally
Patrick Conner
Consultants and Builders, Inc.
Contractors of West Georgia
Kevin Converse
Anne Cook
Jackie Cooley
David Cooper
Judge Clarence Cooper
Andy and Donna Copeland
Dean and Linda Copeland
Wade and Barbara Copeland
Shelley Coplin
Jorge Cora
Gregory Corbett
Leigha Corbett
Kingsley Corbin
Jack Corn
Mr. and Mrs. David Cornwell
Ramona Correa
Marie Corrigan
Costco Wholesale
Ryan Costigan
Council For Community Enrichment
Michael Courtney
Andrew Cox
Gregory Cox
Bruce and BJ Crabtree
Garnet and Karen Craddock
Ryan Cramer
John Cranford
Thomas Craton
Hasco and Rebecca Craver
Creative Community Services, Inc.
Creekside Dental, Inc.
Dominic Cristelli
Patricia Crossman
John Crouse
Tommy Crow
Kiara Crowe
Kristin Crowe
Karen D. Crumbley
Ned Crystal
Philip Crystal
Jessica Cudd
James Cullen
Julie Cullins
Hugh Cummins
Lisa Cupid
Ann Curry
Custom Bath Products
Scott Dabson
Bethanie and Scott Dailey
David Daily
Daniel Floor Covering
Bob and Janet Daniel
Roger and Betty Daniel
Jennifer Daniels
Nicole D’Antonio
Henry Darby
James Darcy
Diane Darling
Jayesh Das
Patrick Daugherty
Jason Davenport
Sharon Davenport
Marty Davey
Kerry Davidsen
Loni Davidson
Andy Davies
Cameron Davis
Gregory Davis
Natasha Davis
Randall Davis
Mark and Ellen Davison
Michael and Lindsay Day
Ryan Day
Jairo de Jesus
Rogelio De Sedas
Sandra Deal
Dara Dearborn
Decatur Education Foundation
Derek Deleon
Adelle Dennis
Lauren Dennis
Michael and Maxine Denniston
Mark Denyse
Rachel Derr
Willie Derring
Rebecca Des Marais
Design Center of Douglasville, Inc.
Peter Desmond
Schley Devereux
Margo Dexter
DFCS Region 2
Dianne Parker and Associates
Dwanell DiBartolo
William and Ellen Dickerson
Daniel Dienhart
John and Deborah Dierkes
Frances Dietrick
Michael DiLeonardo
Valarie Dill
Matt Dillard
Diversified Wealth Management LLC
Stephen and Deborah Divine
Dixon Challenge
Deanna Dixon
Juanita Dixon
Kevie and Tina Dixon
William Dobbins
Paul Docekal
Stephen Dodd
Janice Dolive
Peter Dominick
Michael Donnelly
Deborah and John Doolittle
Paul Dorn
Ajay and Sonal Doshi
Bonnie Douglas
Bruce Douglas
David Douglas
Teron Douglas
Douglasville Douglas County Water & Sewer Authority
Douglasville Wellness & Chiropractic Center, Inc.
Winston Dowdell
Samantha Downey
Margaret Downing
William and Heather Dozier
Bernadette Drankoski
Catherine Driskell
Michael and Laura Drucker
Marlon DSouza
Charlene du Plessis
Erika Ducloux
Rachel Dudley
David Dueve
Robert Duffield
Michael Duffy
Mike Duffy
Jeremy Duguid
Darin Dullum
Beth Dulong
Angelia Duncan
Michael Duncan
Brittany Dunn
Joann Dunn
Robert Dunn
Curtis and Kim Dupree
Frederick Durden
Randall Durnwald
Glynnis Dwelly
Jonathan and Holly Dwight
Stephen Dysart
Marshall Eagle
Robert Eaker
Tony Easley
East Metro Stars
Anne and Michael Easterly
JaMichael Eatmon
James Eaves
Ben Echols
Daniel Edwards
Kenny and April Edwards
William Edwards
Camden Eggers
Kelsey Ehlers
Audrie and Arthur Eidson
Don Eisenbarth
Jeffrey and Patricia Elam
Thomas Elgin
Elite Response, Inc.
Elizabeth Elliott
Micah Ellis
Toree Ellis
Linda Elson
Jason and Sarah Embro
Albert and Mary Emma
John and Laura Engel
Christy Epps
Greg and Pam Erath
Ernst Enterprises of Georgia
Marcia Ernst
Eduardo Escalona
Timothy Escott
Mike and Molly Eskew
Tripp Eskridge
Tanya Ess-Young
Joyce Estrada
Joseph Ethridge
James Evans
Mr. and Mrs. R. Marshall Evans
Keilah Everett
Stanley R. Everett
Michael and Shannon Everly
James Ewing
Melissa Fahs
Eddie Fair
Fairfield Tributaries LLC
Fairway Independent Mortgage
Yingying Fang
Peter Farag
Rahmeen Farhoudi
Darla Farley
Whitney Farmer
Monique Farone
Derik Farrar
Karla Favors
Ali Fawaz
Ginger Fay
Harold Fearing
Jeffrey Fell
Tony Ferguson
John and Cynthia Ferguson
Larry Ferguson
Deyvis Ferreira
Jack Fickas
Fidelity Bank
Norman Field
Kim Fields
Kenny Fincher
Tiffany Findlay
Stephen and Carla Findley
Karen Fine Saltiel
Robert Fink
Cynthia and William Finney
First Presbyterian Church
First United Methodist Church – Adventurer’s Class
First United Methodist Church
Gary Fischer
Peter Fisher
Evan and Beth Fishman
Susan Fitzsimmons
Ralph and Susan Fleck
Ellen Fleming
Debra Floor
David Floyd
Ken Floyd
Kimberly Fluellen
James and Dorothy Fluker
Douglas and Kristin Foley
Jeffrey and Mary Ann Folk
Catherine Followill
Gilbert Fong
Jena Fontenot
Shauna Ford
William Ford
Terry Fordham
David Forquer
Jeff and Janis Forrester
William Forsyth
Michelle Fortes
Julie Fortin
Charles Fortner
Christine Foster
Marjorie Fowler
Eddie Fox
Ameshia Foy
David Fraboni
Michael Francesconi
Alan Franco
- Franklin
Louise Free
Sarina Freedland
Erna Freeman
Jonathan Freeman
Joseph Freeman
Melvin Freeman
Ronald and Gwendolyn Freeman
Sybil Freeman
Chris Frieden
Friends of Micah Gravley
Friends of Paulette Rakestraw
Roland and Anne Fuentes
John and Sonia Fueredi
Cheryl Fuller
Graham Fuller
Jacqueline Furlong
Christopher Gabriel
Christopher Galla
Denise Gandy
James and Susan Gantt
Robert Gardner
Ken Garrard
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Garrett
Laura and Troy Garrison
Eduardo Garza
Anthony Gates
Hal and Nella Gatewood
Rahn Gatewood
Demetria Gatlin
Michael Gavenchak
Kathy Gay
Victor Gaylor
Dean Gearing
L Gellerstedt IV
GEMC Federal Credit Union
General Motors Corporation
Karen George
Georgia Auto Credit D/B/A Mama’s Car City
Georgia Center for Nonprofits
Georgia Community Support & Solutions, Inc.
Georgia Masonry Supply
Sanford Gerber
Gergel Family Partners, LLC
Jermaine Geter
Benjamin Getty
GFC Construction, Inc.
David Gibson
John Gibson
Kerry Gilbert
James and Michelle Gildemeyer
James Gill
Amber and Andy Gilroy
Tiffany Girten
Gregory and Elizabeth Glass
Jimmy and Dale Glenn
Bridgette Glover
Wayne and Bridgette Glover
Chad Goddard
Joel Godfrey
Stacey Godfrey
Dennis Goginsky
Barry Goheen
Robin Goins
Kathy Goldreich
Gold’s Gym
Cheryl Goliday
Gomel, Davis & Watson, LLP
Mike Gomez
Blake Goodman
Jeffrey and Kristin Goran
Allen Gordon
Sara Jane Gordon
Leonard and Helen Goreham
Marc Gottlieb
Douglas and Nina Gow
DeShon Graddy
John Grady
Kymberly Graham
Shaun Graham
Fiona Grandowski
Lou and Anne Graner
Mrs. Donna Gray
Keith Greaves
Barbara Green
Benton Green
Samantha and Timothy Green
Lisa and Seth Greenberg
David and Jacqueline Greene
Vonetta Greene
Shawn Greenway
Walter and Karen Greer
Todd and Wendy Grice
John and Melinda Griffin
Gray Griffith
Jason Griffith
Patricia Griffith
Chip and Linda Grizzard
Rodney and Jody Grizzle
Stacy Grogan
Jennifer Grove
Daniel Grummert
Megan Grummert
Jonathan and Lauren Grunberg
GS Battery, Inc.
Jennifer Guevara
Patricio and Rachael Gutierrez
Neal and Paula Guttenberg
Gwinnett Braves
H&C Services Heating & A/C, Inc.
H&R Block
Habif, Arogeti, & Wynne, LLP
Jacqueline Hacker
Thomas Hackett
Holly Hahn
Floyd Haigler
Scott Hakim
Martin Halberg
Andrea Haley
Kelvin and Nicole Hall
Ronald and Carole Hall
Hall, Arbery, Gilligan, Roberts & Shanlever, LLP
Shunta Hamby
Allan Hamer
Mitchell Hamilton
Susan Hamilton
Melinda Hamm
Charles Hamrick
The Hand & Upper Extremity Center of Georgia
Brian Hannon
Brian Hansen
Crystal Hanson
Dana Hardwick
Pearce and Laura Hardwick
Harkins & Silliman
James and Donna Harkins
Michael Harley
Gail Harmeier
James and Magan Harper
Jannifer Harper
David Harrington
Mark Harrington
Cliff and Amy Harris
John and Kat Harris
Kenneth Harris
Roderick and Xiomara Harris
Tony and Kelly Harrison
Harrison Development & Construction
Brandon Hartley
Hartley, Rowe, & Fowler PC
John and Mary Hartman
Jonathan Harvey
Samuel Delafield
David Haskin
Sidney Haskins
Dierk Hatcher
Morgan Havig
Dawn Hawkins
Hawkinson, Muchnick & Associates, PC
HBD Land, Inc.
Margaret G. Head
Michelle Head
Nigel and Brenda Head
Samaria Head
Traci Head
Camilla Heard
Robert Heidinger
Angela Henderson
Douglas and Laura Henderson
Mitchell Henderson
Shari Henning
Michael Herndon
Ann Herrera
Velma Hicks
Kevin Higginbotham
Andre Higgs
John and Susan Higley
Gordon Hilbun
Thomas Hiles
Audrey Hill
Barbara Hill
Robert and Luann Hill
Ruth Hill
Sarah Hilliard Hillside, Inc.
Allen Hindmon
Ashish Hingorani
Robert and Maureen Hinkelmann
Greg Hinkle
Kelli Hinkle
Duane and Mary Hinshaw
Michael Hinson
Adam Hirsch
Chuck and Christi Hodges
Margaret Hodges
Tyrone Hodges
Mark Hofacker
Erin Hogan
Isiah Hogan
James Hogan
William Hollett
Sharon Holliday
Ethan Hollinger-Malavenda
Melissa Hollingsworth
Shakeil Hollman
Lauren Holloway
Penn and Mary Holman
Joyette Holmes
Tony and Nancy Holmes
Andrew Holt
William Holton
Richard Holtzman
Marc and Mary Frances Honea
Mark Hopkins
Steven and Christine Hord
Damien Horn
Richard Horne
Kenneth and Janet Horton
Paul Houghton
Brian Houpt
Justin Howard
Larry and Carolyn Howard
Lonyea Howard
Ridley Howard
Brett Howell
David Howell
Marsha Howell
Nancy and Andy Howell
Steven and Kristi Howell
Kecia Howson
Brian Huband
Chris Hubbard
Laura Hubbell
Aaron and Kay Ann Hudson
Hudson’s Hickory House
Keri Huey
Timothy Huff
Huffman Family Eye Care
Kelly Huggins
Kenneth and Holly Hughes
Shawna Hughes
Hughes-Ray Company, Inc.
Jodie Huiet
Hans Hulsebos
Lisa Hunt
Eva Hunter
Bahiyyah Huntley
Steven Huseby
IDI Gazeley-Brookfield Logistics Properties
Imperial Pacific Travel
Indianapolis Uplift Foundation
Industrial Transportation Consultants
Isaac Irby
Irish Bred Pub & Grill
Steve and Anna Ivory
Elisa Jackson
Jesselyn Jackson
Sophia Jackson
Stephen and Kathleen Jackson
Steven Jackson
Tom and Nancy Jackson
DeVorah James
Kateau James
Angel Janiot
James Jarrett
Bjoern Jemsby
Duedishr Jenkins
Duedishar Jenkins Pod
Ralph Jenkins
Roy Jenkins
Damian Jennette
Darlene Jennings
JHI Client Services
Yolanda Joe
Curtis John
John H. Henderson Insurance Agency
John Wesley United Methodist Church
Andy Johnson
Ms. Arnita Johnson
Charis Johnson
Crystal Johnson
Derrick Johnson
Gail and Ricky Johnson
Hilton Johnson
Jane Johnson
Jill Johnson
Lavenia Johnson
Mary Lee Johnson
Michael Johnson
Patricia Johnson
Rodger and Jill Johnson
Rory and Gwendolyn Johnson
Lisa and Brett Johnston
Randall Johnston
Allan Jones
Archie Jones
Corey Jones
Darren Jones
Dion Jones
Glower and Joanna Jones
Gregory Jones
Kwende and Nicole Jones
Louis and Andrea Jones
Perry Jones
Richard Jones
Robert Jones
Robert and Shelba Jones
Rochelle Marie Jones
Mr. Stan Jones
William Jones
Christopher Joos
Andrea Jordan
Jeffrey Jordan
John Jordan
Raymond Jordan
Taylor and Anne Josey
Aniruddha Joshi
Jeff and Lou Joslin
Jamy and Shannon Juhan
Chris Justice
Paul and Vicki Kaiser
Kaiser Permanente
Frank Kaliner
Anna Kalynych
The Kamean Family
Robert and Carol Kamean
Stephen and Beatrice Kane
Virginia Kane
Jason Kaplan
Paul and Karen Kaplansky
Mike and Diane Karafotias
Chris and Tasha Kasselder
Karen Kawanami
Danielle Kazin
Robert Kealler
Stacey Kearce
David and Julie Keller
Danny and Janet Kelley
Keitcha Kelley
Marianne Kellogg
Kathleen Kelly and Robert Katz
Thomas Kelly
Yolanda Kelly
Kendra Scott LLC
Sarah Kennedy
Blake and Kristia Keown
Frank and Paula Kepes
Chris Kessler
KeyBanc Capital Markets
Aysha Khoury
James Kibler
Anna W. Kilburn
Jesse and Brigitte Killings
Deborah Kim
- Mitchell King
Deanna King
Keith King
Robin King
Thomas King
Emily Kinley
Betty Kinney
Nicholas Kinsey Gina Kirlew
The Kiwanis Club of Atlanta
Kiwanis Club of Douglas County
- Kleban
Lawrence Kloet
Jeremy Kluball
Todd and Lisa Klumok
Allerick Knight
Erin and David Knight
Nathaniel Knight
Knights of Columbus 6622
Kirk Knous
Charles and Amy Knudsen
Zdnek Kobelka
Jason Kolacz
Daniel Kolawole
Clare Koller
Michael Kornheiser
Odile Kory
Sylvia and Edward Krebs
Patricia Kroc
The Kroger Company Foundation
Krueger International
KSA Insurance Agency
Mark Kubik
L & W Insulation & Fireplaces, LLC
Steven and Sheri Labovitz
Keisha Lacy
James Lager
Russell and Kay LaGrone
David and Susan Laird
Lake Forest Builders, Inc.
John Lally
Real and Genevieve Lamarche
Adrienne Lamb David Lambrecht
Billie Lampinen
Gwen Lancaster
Samuel Land
Gillian Landgraff
Carol and Andy Landrum
Andrea Lane
Christopher Lang
Tasia Langston
Blair Langstroth
William Lankford
Gary and Corrine Laskey
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lassiter III
Nina Lauter
Eric Lawless
Lawrenceville Neighborhood Alliance
James and Margaret Lawson
Kimberly Lawson
William Lawson
William Lawson
Erin Layton
Jeffrey F. Leasendale
Chuck LeCraw
Wendy Ledford
Brandalon Leggett
Scott and Alexandra Leibold
Emily and Harry Lembeck
Leonard Cabinet Company, Inc.
Tammie Leonhardt
Brannon and Kathie Lesesne
Michael Letizia
Monica Levi
Elizabeth Levine
Susan Levine
Leon and Elizabeth Levitt
Fulton Lewis
Joshua and Stacey Lewis
Pascal Lewis
Ronald and Beverly Lewis
Thaddeus Lewis
Hua Li
Geoffrey Light
Karen Lightfoot
Debra Lindsay
Albert and Stephanie Lindsey
Austin and Kristen Lindsey
Michael Lindsey
Mike Lindsey
Jason Lingerfelt
John Lister
David W. Little
Phil Littlehales
Livirae Lingerie LLC
Hector and Carolyn Llorens
Charles and Joan Lloyd-Bruce
Daniel Locke
Jerry and Lynne Long
Paula and Christopher Longo
Lisa Lonon
Ricardo and Gisselda Lopes
John Lopez
Artrice Love
Amber Lovelace
Shannon and Natasha Lovelady
Kathy Loveless
Brian and Madge Lovingood
Lynn and David Lowance
Alfredda Lowery-Jackson
Michele Lublin
Kimberly Lucas
Dustin Luer
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Luesing
Christian Lumpkin
Dale Lyles
David Lyles
Virginia Lyles
Bruce and Katherine Lyon
Gay and Joel Lyons
Kayla Lyons
M L Hodges, Inc.
Valarie Mack
Tracey Mackey
Lesleigh MacNabb
Scott Madden
Mark and Melissa Madigan
Madison Telecommunications, Inc.
Sara and Jason Magnusson
Mahaffey Pickens Tucker LLP
Anne Maher
Allen Maines
Malary LLC
Carla Malever
Bradley and Sandra Malkin
Kourtney Mance
Bill and Judy Maner
Kevin Mannelly
Monica Maragh
Laura and Jeffrey Marcus
Dean Marianos
The Maribill Foundation, Inc.
Larry Mark
James Marks
Joe Marks
- Bradford Marsh and Elizabeth Obenshain
Andy Marshall
Latonya Marshall
Wright Marshall
Alexis Martial
Paul and Gail Martin
Shari Martin
Michael Marx
Kwanza Mason
Mike Mason
Catherine Massey
Mary Mastrogiovanni
Betsy Mathews
Robert and Amy Matre
Ginny Mattox
Max and Henry’s
Jack May
Kevin Mayer
Billy and Helyn Mayhew
Genevieve Mays
Kimberly and Gene Mays
Julia and Riley McAndrews
Thomas and Brenda McBride
Darlaine McBurney
Kate McClain
Michael McCorvey
David and Angela McCreery
Julia McCulloch
Jeff McCullough
Loretta McCullough
Randy McDaniel
Nicholas McDearis
Garth McDonald
Lee McElroy
Dennis McEntire
William McGevna
Robert McGinnis
Alexander McGlynn
Heather McGuire
J Mchale
Daniel McHenry
Larry and Janet McIntire
James McIntosh
Lawrence and Toni McIntosh
Connie McIntyre
Antonina McKay
Wade McKenzie
Ray McKnight
John and Africa McLeod
Larry and Malinda McLeod
Sharon McMahon
Robert Mcmanus
Andy McMillan
Claude McMullan
John McNally
McNaught Mellinger Real Estate Partners
Sonya McNeal
David McPherson
John McSween
Aaron McWhorter
Christopher McWilliams
Stephanie McWilliams
Shea Meddin
Raymond and Gloria Menchan
Mercy Care
James Messerly
Metro City Bank
Metro Fireplace, Inc.
Metro Garage Door, Inc.
Robin Meyer
Alisa and Paul Michael
Jarvis and Leanne Middleton
Mike Blackburn Contractors, Inc.
Clanton Mike
Mike Dugan for State Senate
Greg and Laura Mikszan
Andra Milender
John and Lisa Miles
Larry Miles
Michael and Anita Miles
Bruce and Tanita Millar
Jocelyn Miller
Joey Miller
Robert Miller
Robyn Miller and Brian Henry
Sandra and Simon Miller
Sidney Miller
Toni Miller
Vernon Miller
Matthew Mills
Mission Contracting Group, Inc.
Antwan Mitchell
Mitchell Appliance Company
Eric and Marci Mitchell
Hazel Mitchell
Jeffery Mitchell
Patricia Mitchell
Erin Mitchell-Watson
Walter and Nell Moeling
Megan Monaghan
Mr. Marcus J. Montgomery
Tameika Montgomery
Carla Moore
Charles Moore
Christy Moore
Mark and Peggy Moore
Monica Moore
Patricia Moore
Bruce and Diane Moorhead
Chris and Anne Moorman
Kristine Morain
Frank and Gwen Moran
Sandy and Betsy Morehouse
Morehouse College
Alberto and Phyllis Moreno
Dana Morgan
Latasha Morgan
Morgan Stanley
Morrice Investments
Richard and Sandra Morris
Dale Morrison
Gabriel Moscovitz
Paul Moser
Brett and Sharon Moskowitz
David Mosley
Aniska Moss
Taylor Moss
Movement Foundation, Inc.
Brent Moxey
Patricia Mueller Lombardo
Heather Mugg
Rodney M. Mullins
Sandra Mullins
Barbara Murray
Roger Murray
Sierra Murray
Nagesh Murthy
Corinne Myers
Agnieszka Mykieta
Mystique Consulting
NAI Brannen Goddard
Nicole Nance
Chloe & William Nassau
Philip and Elaine Nathanson
National Wildlife Federation
Kevin Neal
Paul Nelson
Nicole Neuhaus
Jeff and Brandi Newlin
Tony Newman
Lia Newman
Audrey Ngaleu
Phuong Nguyen
Phuc Nguyen-Dinh
Sean Nicholason
Nancy Nichols
Mike Nicholson
Zach Nicholson
Michael Nicklaus
Susan Nix
NJ Wilbanks Contractor, Inc.
Lisa Noah
William Noe
Robert J. Noland Family
Duncan Norcross
Greg and Shelley Norris
Larry Norwood
Chris Noto
Adam Nugent
Ofelia and Wilberto Nunez
Livinus Nwankpa
Chante Obazee
Christopher and Jessica Oberkfell
O’Brien Retail Services, LLC
Jennifer Odom
Lauren Odom
Charles and Lisa Ogburn
William Oglesby
Christine O’Keefe
Daniel O’Keefe
Bolanle Olagundoye
Tanisha Oliver
Erica O’Neal
David O’Neill
Ashlie Onyedika
Garland and Marilyn Ooten
Optiv Security
Oral Surgery Associates
Anna and A. Orr
Jeff Orr
Summey Orr
Orthogenesis, LLC
Ortholink Physician Corp
Serena Ortiz
James and Carol Osborne
Ruth Osborne
Nancy Ovitt
Linda Owen
Michael and Joy Owen
Seth Owen
Kierra Owens
Michelle Owens
Emily Pace
Eric Packel
Ermine Padgett
Gregory Padgett
Charles and Chandra Page
Barry Palmer
Charles and Kathleen Palmer
William and Sandra Pancoast
Susan Pangborn
Paramount Hospitality Management LLC
Staci Parham
Brenda Paris
Eddie Parker
Gwen and Eddie Parker
James Parker
Karen Parker
Marcus Parker
Timothy Parker
Tracy Parson
Parts Authority Georgia LLC
Marc Passarella
Tuure Pasto
Milan and Alpesh Patel
Jim and Carol Paterson
Larry Patrick
Tiffany Patrick
Cameron Patton
Robert and Cornealia Patton
Joe Paul
Tarun Pawar
Mark Payne
Virgil and Yolanda Payne
Martha Peake
Gene and Libby Pearce
Christopher Pearson
Daniel Pearson
Katherine Pearson
Laura Pease
Jerry and Susan Pece
Anthony and Jennifer Pecht
Jeanne Peck
Elaine Pelaia
Frank and Michelle Pence
Yong Peng
Sean Pennix
David Perme
Stephen Perry
Ninette Perry
Samuel and Karen Perryman
Andrew Person
Daryl Person
Lakshmi Perumbeti
India Peters
Rob Peters
Mark Peterson
Patricia Peterson
Robin Peterson
Jeffrey Petrea
Tina Phakonkham
Constance and Brett Phillips
Donald and Ann Phillips
John Phillips
Sean Piccola
Edith Pickering
Michael Pickering
Selena Pickering
Norman and Melissa Pickett
Jonathan Pierce
Kenya Pierre
Nicole and Dan Pietro
Jeffrey Pilof
Rosella Ping
John Pinson
Randy Pirkle
Patricia Pitts
Sherry Pitts
Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Alan L. Plummer
Beth Poindexter
Melissa Pollock
Shevin and Nikki Pollydore
Jerry Pontius
Arthur and Dorothy Pope
Roger and Phyllis Porter
Chip and Dureata Poth
Robert and Susan Powell
John Preval
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Price
Matthew Pridemore
Prime Foundation LLC
Jennifer Prince
Ronald Prior
Mary Beth Pritchard
Blair and Jenny Pritchett Gordon and Virginia Pritz Pro Chem, Inc.
Project Renewal DVIP, Inc.
Virginia Pryor
Randy and Patti Puckett
Ryan and Melissa Pumpian
Purity Vodka
Paige and Andrey Pushkin
Joseph V. Quarles III
Michael Queen
Ginger and Stanley Queener
Theresa Quellhorst
Danielle Quinley
Christine Quinn
Aaron Quinney
Gene Rackley
Nancy and Mark Rafuse
Ragsdale Heating & Air Cond., Inc.
Dan Rajczyk
Andrew Rambin
Felipe Ramirez
Timothy Ramsey
- Keith Ramsey
Alan Range
Benita Ransom
Timothy Ratliff
Harish Rau
Christopher L. Rautenstrauch
George and Tonya Ray
Reginald Ray
Rayley Group
RDJE, Inc.
Realty Trust Group
Schuyler and Diana Rector
Jo Ann Redding
John Redding
Akwokwo Redhead
Jake Reece
Daniel and Pauline Reep
Armond Reese
Keene and Christine Reese
Michael and Elizabeth Reese
Brooke Reeve
Tee and Dana Reeve
Charles Reeves
Regions Bank
Angela Rehkop
John Reid
Thawana Reid
Bob and Margaret Reiser
Marcus Reliford
Glenn and Martha Remus
Corri Rene’
Michael Rensink
Andrew Reynolds
Garnet and Leigh Reynolds
Garnet Reynolds
Shahram and Farnaz Rezaiamiri
John and Susan Rhett
Joseph and Lucille Ribaudo
Barbara Ribner
Brenda Rice
Rachel Rice
Richard Rice
Meredith Rich
Brian Richardson
James and Ruth Richardson
Alexis Richbourg
Joyce A. Ricks
Ronald and Suvess Ricks
Raymond and Patricia Riddle Foundation
Brandon Riley
Gerald Riley
Mirna Rivera
Mikelle Roach
Scotia Roane
Nathalie Roark
Opal Roberts
Sonja Roberts
Carly Robinson
Karen and Cecil Robinson
Matthew Robinson
Tammy Robinson
Jeff and Margaret Rodbell
Hansell and Tina Roddenbery
Avonda Rodriguez
Larry Roe
David Roemer
Mr. Dean Rogers
Jace Rogers
Scott Rogers
Brenda Rolle Davis
Thomas and Terisa Rosa
Karen and Kenneth Rosenberg
Michelle and Alan Rosenberg
Jeff Rosenthal
Daniel Rosinski
Norman Ross
The Rotary Club of South Gwinnett
Rotary Foundation of Douglas County, Inc.
Lawrence Rouen
Earl and Janine Rousseau
Ronald Rousseau
Hugh Rowden
Vanessa Rowe
Adonna Rowland
Remo Rowland
Angela and Sylvester Royal
Aldyn and Andrea Royes
David and Hedy Rubinger
Victoria Rufo
Gene Runnels
James Rusert
Christopher Russo
Louis and Lynne Russo
Rosemarie Russo
Ashley Rutledge
Wayne Rutledge
Kim Ryan
Ryan Rice Agency
Steve Rybos
Gary Rzucidlo
Manuel Saavedra
Kayleen Sabour
SAFT America, Inc.
Lauren Salas
Christy Salgado
Julie and Tim Salomon
Sarah Salzman
The Samsky Family
Denise Sanders
Holly Sanders
Temika Sanders
Sand-Stone, Inc.
Michael Sapp
Russell and Mary Sarner
Nancy Saunders
Sawnee Electric Membership Foundation, Inc.
Michael Scarbrough
Ryan Schaub
Megan Scheller
David and Jodi Schiff
Nick Schkabla
John Schlichting
Shane Schoenith
Colin Schopbach
Blaine and Leslie Schreiner
Robert Schroeter
Troy and Robanne Schulman
Jeffrey Schultz
Michelle Schweber
Chris Schweitzer
Leslie Schworm
Edwin and Sally Scofield
Cordella Scott
Louise Scott
Gregory Seals
Kim Seals
Stephen and Romy Seals
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Sears, Jr.
Carson and Candice Sears
Seasons 4, Inc.
A Sebastian
Curtis Sebastian
Timothy Seelig
John and Beverly Sell
Sellers & Warren, P.C.
Denise Sellers
Seltman & Kaplan
Danielle and James Sewell
Glenn Shapiro
Niraj and Vandana Sharma
Jason Sharples
Jeff Shaw
Randolph Shaw
Shaw Hankins
Shealey Contracting
Shealey Landscaping
Benjamin Sheidler
David Sheldon
John Shelton
Treva and Danny Shelton
Nikki Sherrill
Sherrod & Bernard
Paul Shingler
Jill Shotzberger
Brian Shufford
Robert and Margot Shuford
Emanuel Shumie
Virgil and Robyn Shutze
Diane Sibrizzi
Jaime Sickles
Siegel & Dolt
Susannah Sikes
Karla Simmons Anderson
Chester and Patricia Simmons
David Simmons
Gary and Michelle Simon
Michelle Simon
Sydney Simons
Marisa Simpson
Phillip Simpson
Robert and Cynthia Sinclair
Aliza Singleton
Mary Singleton
Joseph Sinkule
Stanley and Gina Sitzler
Daniel and Grace Sklar
Michael and Elizabeth Skrynecki
Marva Slade-Jennings
Debra Slappey
Betty Small
Andria Smith
Angelean Smith
Anthony Smith
Christopher Smith
Mike Smith
Dan and Susan Smith
David Smith
David and Caroline Smith
Dedric Smith
Elmer Smith
Garen Smith
Gerald and Leslie Smith
Jason Smith
John Smith II
Malik J. Smith
Matt Smith
Randell Smith
Rodney Smith
Rufus and Torrice Smith
Veanne Smith
Karen Smits
Smoky Mountain Outdoors Unlimited, Inc..
Rick and Irena Snider
Samuel Snider
Alan Snipes
Elvedin Softic
Ntxhi Song
Jerry Sorrels
SourceOne Corporation
Southeast Restoration Group of Georgia, Inc.
Southland Construction, Inc.
Jack Sowers
Richard L. Sparkmon & Associates
Stephanie Sparkmon
Stephanie Sparks
Patricia Spears
Speights Law PC
Dan and Lisa Spinetto
Thomas and Jennifer Spiro
Allen Spivey
Anthony Spivey
Pam Sprang
Springleaf Finance Management Corporation
Krishnakumar Srinivasan
St. Killian Importing
Brett Stahura
Kenneth Stanton
Stanton Law LLC
Nathan Stark
Adonica Starke-Nelson
State of Georgia Employee Contributions Program
Scott Stearsman
Erik and Marlisa Stechmann
Hendrik Steckhan
Stacy Steed
Jackie Steele
David and Tonya Steele
Maureen Stefanini
Jeremy Steiner
Bryon and Susan Stelter
Christopher Stephens
John Stephens
Robert Stephens
Chandra Stephens-Albright
Gerald Stern
Tom and Kathleen Sterne
Eric Steuer
Steve Rayman Chevrolet
Steven Sanderson, D.M.D
Justin Stevens
Donald and Leslie Stewart
Ryan Stewart
Jennifer Stiles
Margillia Stiles
Kathleen Stinnett
Evan and Susan Stitt
Larry Stokes
Samuel Stokes
Dwight Stone
Susan Storzum
Bria Stovall
Robert Straton
Tim Strickland
Charles Stroble
Erick Strong
Jerome Strong
Quateshia Stroud
Jonathan Stroup
Sandra and William Strozier
Ricardo Suarez
Marsha Suber
Success Consulting & Mediation, Inc.
Edward and Beth Sugarman
Meghan Sullivan
Aaron Surasky
Robyn Susemihl
Alpa Sutaria
Jack and Karen Sutton
Diane Swann
Robert and Christine Swanson
Steven and Nancy Swanson
Sweet Sensations Italian Ice
William Sykes
- Dennis Connally Consultant P.C.
Judy Tabb
Sarah Tablan
Valerie Taliaferro
Elise Tanner
Gerald Tate and Kira Alford
Laura Tate
Candy Tate
Tau Pi Omega Chapter (Community Fund)
Ahmad Taylor
Ann Taylor
Larry Taylor
LaTonya Taylor
Thomas and Karen Taylor
Christopher Teal
Patrick and Jackie Terrail
The 3 Marketeers, Inc.
The Sage Group, LLC.
The Shipping Center, Inc.
The Times Herald & News Channel 9
Ford and Kerrie Thigpen
Charles and Tonya Thomas
Essa Thomas
Jacquelyn Thomas
Rhojonda Thomas
Rosalyn Thomas
Roslyn Thomas
Shundra Thomas
William Thomas
CeAndra Thomaston
Matthew Thompson
Maurice Thompson
Theodore W. Thompson
Walt and Marjorie Thompson
Melissa Thurmond
Shenee Thurmond
TIAA-CREF Employee Giving Campaign
Tyler Tidwell
Tile and Stone Express, Inc.
Marleen Tillman
Carl and Gloria Tippin
Tires Plus Store 236947
Raymond Tobias
Charlie Todd
Jonathan Todd
Shawn Tokanel
The Toporek Family Foundation Trust
Paul Toups
Johann Towns
Trademark Quality Homes, Inc.
James Tran
Tranquil A.M.E. Church
Denise Tremmel
Shana Triche
Edward True
TS Property Company, LLC
Leo and Rachel Tucker
Timothy and Patricia Tuff
The Tull Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Joseph Tulley
Amy and Brian Turcotte
TVC Communications
Michael Twum
Adam Tyler
Hope and Emmanuel Udombon
Jamie Uhlir
Debbie Underkoffler
Steven Underwood
United Bank
United Community Bank United States Olympic Committee
United Way of Acadiana, Inc.
United Way of Central Ohio
United Way of Greater Kansas City
United Way Suncoast Tampa Bay Area
Billy Upton
Urban North LLC
Matthew Urbanawiz
Joseph J. Urbanski
USAgain 2000, LLC
Frank Usher
Steven Usselman
Alon and Lori Vainer
John and Marina Valastro
Jonathan Vance
Justin Vance
Mitchell Vandiver
Jeffrey Vannorman
Johnetta and Fredy Vargas
Deanne Varitek
Glenn Vaughn
Penny Vaughn
Steve Veale
Cynthia Vereen
Stephanie Vicent
Ladye Vickers
Christopher Victor Pod
Chapin Vilasineekul
Amy Vincent
Benjamin Vinsob
Visiting Angels – Douglasville
Teofilo and Annabelle Vizon
Trupti Vyas
Brenda and Steven Wagman
Paul and Amanda Wagner
Weyman Waits
Erica Wakefall
Charles Waking
Tasha Waklatsi
Christopher and Davidae Walker
Denisha Walker
Jeffrey Walker
Lisa Walker
Raynell Walker
Scott Walker
Terry Walker-Moore
Michael Wall
Rebecca Wall
Brandon Wallace
Kyle and Beverly Wallace
Edith Waller
Patrick and Rosemarie Walsh
Walt Disney Company Foundation
Josephine and Ryan Walthall
Thomas Wamsley
Susan Wang
Benjamin Ward
Jessica Ward
Mike Ware
Scott Ware
Matilah Warfield
Frederick and Susan Warner
Tom and Cathy Warren
Jack Washington
Stephen Wassell
Water Source Plumbing
Myles and Nancy Watkins
Tracey Watkins
Alison Watson
- W. Watson
Thomas Watson
David Watts
Philip and Terri Weatherly
John Weathers
David Weaver
Donald and Rosemary Weber
DeAnthony Weems
Weener & Nathan, LLP
Nolan Weick
Stokely Weinberg
Sheri Weiner
Weissmann Zucker Euster Morochnik, P.C.
Rebecca Weizenecker
William and Sherie Welch
Andrew Wells
Corey Wells
David Wengenroth
Jeff Wenkel
West Georgia Electric
Tracey Westbrook
Karla Wester
Todd and Emily Westergreen
Jacqueline Westmoreland
Steven and Anika Wharton
Akeem White
Desondra White
Jamara White
White Oak Golden K Newnan
Racquel White
Scott White
Jan Whiteley
Isaac Whitfield
Thomas Whitfield
Marcus and Angelynn Whitlock
Scott and Tonya Whitmire
Cecil and Simone Whitmore
Gary Whitten
Thomas Wideman
George and Judith Wieder
Jeff and Wiggins
Allen Wilbanks
Michael Wilcox
Malcolm and Deana Wiley
Wayne and Suzanne Wilkes
Scott and Beth Wilkinson
Addy Williams
Amy L. Williams
Andrew Williams
Ashton Williams
Barbara Williams
Williams Benator & Libby, LLP
Brian Williams
Clinton Williams
Coleen Williams
Evon Williams
Gavin Williams
Gregory and Vanessa Williams
Harris Williams
J Williams
Steve Williams
John and Harriet Williams
Juan Williams
Letitia Williams
Marlon Williams
Myron and Rosemary Williams
Patrick Williams
Patrick and Suzanne Williams
Robin Williams
Roger and Shiori Williams
Stewart and Rhonda Williams
Thomas Williams
Thomas and Carolyn Williams
Cynthia Williams-Vereen
Leah Willig
Annette Willis
Valerie Willis
J Wilson
Ms. Janice Hutchings Wilson
Pitts Wilson
- Scott Wilson
Sharon Winn
Mark Winne
Todd and Sandy Wisenbaker
Tiffany and Steven Wisener
John and Andrea Withers
- Dennis Withers
Karl Witt
George Wogon
John and Marti Wolf
Dennis Wolfarth
Christopher Womack
Lonnie Woodall
Grant and Rita Dawn Woodruff
Cody Woods
Edward and Harriet Woodward
Randall Woody
John and Lynn Woolard
William and Lillian Woolf
John and Lorie Wooten
World Of Kids, Inc.
World Ventures Foundation
Lu and James Worrell
Billy and Sherry Wren
Ann Wright
Matia Wright
Trina and Keith Wright
Tyler Wright
William and Stephanie Wright
Bonnie and Steve Wurzbacher
Dylan Wyatt
Mark and Linda Wyatt
Ted and Paula Wyerman
Loyd Wynkoop
Kathy Wyse
Michael Yancey
Richard Yarbrough
David and Pamela Yealy
James Yost
Bertharene Young
Edwin Young
Randy Young
Tamar Young
Richard Younger
Youth Organizations
Joanne Yvon
John Zaffer
Russell and Amy Zaring
Yuliya Zarnitsyna
Janet Zeigler
Stephen and Cindy Zelinsky
Bruce and Ronda Zents
Yiqing Zhang
$25,000 – $49,999
Aaron’s Foundation, Inc.
AGL Resources Private Foundation
Genuine Parts Company
Georgia Council for the Arts
Georgia Power Foundation, Inc.
Global Payments, Inc.
Barry and Michele Griswell*
The Scott Hudgens Family Foundation,, Inc.
Ironwood Insurance Services
Malon D. Mimms Company
Mazda North American Operations
PNC Financial Services Group
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Publix Super Markets Charities
Condoleezza Rice/LUI Che Woo Prize
State Farm Insurance Companies
The City of Lawrenceville Housing Authority
Carol and Ramon Tome*
Wells Fargo – Corporate Headquarters
Woodward Academy
$4,000 – $9,999
Akers Foundation, Inc.
Aldi, Inc.
Ally Financial Services
Amcor Tobacco Packaging Americas, Inc.
Angry Dragon Volleyball, LLC
Rebecca Anspach*
The Arby’s Foundation
Atech Logistics, Inc.
Atlanta Housing Authority
AXA Advisors LLC
B & B Building Services, Inc.
BAPS Charities
Baseball Industry Growth Fund LLC
Betsy Akers Realty LLC
Black Horse Carriers, Inc.
Bloom Sugarman LLP
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia
BNY Mellon Wealth Management
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Brewster*
Candid Partners
Carrollton Kiwanis Foundation, Inc.
CBRE, Inc.
City of Atlanta Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs
Cobb Electric Membership Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Coggin*
- Jeffrey and Cynthia Coggin*
Combined Federal Campaign
Conlee Family Supporting Foundation
Steve and Catherine Cook*
Sally and Reynolds Couch*±
Coweta Fayette EMC
John and Lizzie Crawford*
Kevin and Kris Custis*
Delta Air Lines, Inc.
Denim & Diamond Charities of Douglas County, Inc.
Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP
Suzanne and Ronald Donner*±
DraftKings, Inc.
Mike and Missy Dugan*±
Xavier Duralde and Mary Barrett*
Steve and Cindy Ensor*
Ernst & Young US, LLC
Gordon Evans*
Fischer Contractors, LLC
The Fountain Companies
John and Mary Franklin Foundation
Georgia Baptist Foundation, Inc.
Myron Gray*
Steven Gray*
Scott and Allyson Greene*±
Darryl Harmon*
Harris Waste Management
Mike Hazelton*
Healthcare Georgia Foundation
Greg Hecht*
Cindy Henning*
Keith Holmes*
Joy Hsu*
Huseby Global Litigation
JAN-PRO of Atlanta
Kilpatrick Townsend
Joshua and Melissa Krentzman*
Mr. and Mrs. W. Edward Laity*±
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
James Macke*
Stephen and Nancy Mader*
David and Melissa Mangum*
Wayne McGee*
Metro Atlanta Ambulance Service
Thays Morgan*
MSouth Equity Partners, LLC
Jeff and Tracie Nolde*±
Nordstrom, Inc.
Merrick and Lane Olives*±
Piedmont Charitable Foundation
Piedmont Healthcare
Planet Fitness
John and Lisa Snodgrass/Snodgrass Foundation*
SouthTowne Motors
Elane and Andrew Stock *
Stratix Corporation
Subaru of America Foundation, Inc.
Tanner Health System
Timothy and Maria Tassopoulos*
The Dart Foundation
The Sprouts Foundation
David and Conni Todd*
Toyota of Newnan TPA Group, LLC.
Verde Solutions
The Villas at Lakewood
$1,000 – 2,499
Gray Adams*
Thomas and Marianne Adams*
Tom and Anita Adams*
Brant and Jenny Aden*
AEC360 Solutions
Margaret Allgood*
Brent Allred*
Alum-A-Lift, Inc.
Andersen, Tate & Carr, P.C
Tiffany Arnold*
Frederick and Martha Assaf*
AT&T Georgia
Dawn Austin*
Phillip Austin*
Automotive Assurance Group
Amy Averill*
Karla Avery*
Rick and Joy Barnes*
Batson-Cook Company
BB&T Bank
BB&T Corporation
Beacham & Company, LLC
Leonte Benton*
James Bland*
Joseph Bond*
Young Boozer Family Foundation
Troy and Windi Born*
Paul Bower*
Robert Bowman*
Robert and Kendra Boyer*
Boys & Girls Club of Valdosta, Inc.
Larry and Donna Bradner*
William Brady*
Robert and Stephanie Brawner*
Brees Dream Foundation
Bridgestone Americas, Inc. Company
Bright Funds Foundation
CA South
Jeffrey and Amanda Camp*
Campbell & Brannon, LC
Jane Campbell*
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Tedra Cannella*
Canton Rotary Club
Keith Carpenter*
Carroll Electric Membership Foundation, Inc.
Edward and Marlyn Chapman*
William and Barbara Cheeks*
Cherokee Association of Realtors
Greg and Sandra Chesnutt*
Michael Chester*
Leslie and Susan Choo*
Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company
Jim and Sam Clark*
Cobb & Douglas Public Health
James and Mary Alice Cochran, Jr. *
Kevin Coffey*
Adam Cohen*
Kenny and Prentiss Coleman*
Coleman Search Group, Inc.
Michael L. Collins*
Colonial Pipeline Company
Comcast Spotlight
Community Church of God, Inc.
Comprehensive Program Service
Jerry and Sherry Cooper*
Corblu Ecology Group
Steven A. Cousins*
Jenny Cox*±
- William and Kathryn Craver*
Cresa Atlanta
Andy Crowe*
Bradley N. Currey, Jr. *
Thomas Davenport*
Yalonda Davidson*
Jim and Trina Davis*
Ernest and Kathleen Dawal*
Teresa Dawson-Collier*
DeKalb School Employees Foundation
Deloitte LLP
Dentons US LLP
DeNyse Companies, Inc.
Development Authority of Cherokee County
Development Authority of Douglas County
DHG Foundation
Gabrielle DiBernardi*
Michael Dominici*
Dave Doudna*
Dress Up Boutique
Duke Realty
Marian Epps*
Preston and Amy Etheridge
Fairlead Commercial Real Estate, LLC
David and Patricia Farmer*
Bruce and Bea Feiman*
Sean Ferrell*
Fig Partners LLC
Adrienne Figur*
First Baptist Church
First United Methodist Church of Douglasville, Inc.
First United Methodist Church of Newnan
Michael Fitzpatrick*
John and Britt Fleck*
Herman Flowers*
Paula Foil*
Erin Forestner*
Freeman Foundation, Inc.
Chris and Amanda Freer*
Fulford Family Foundation
Fulmer Auto Sales & Leasing, Inc.
Jeffrey Fusile*
Rich Gaffoglio*
Wickliffe Garrard*
Sheila Gatlin*
Matthew Gelber*
Larry and Carol Gellerstedt*
Georgia Bone and Joint, LLC
Santos Gilarranz*
Lisa Gillespie*
W. and Victoria Glassman*
Global State Investments USA Corporation
Goshen Valley Boys Ranch
Great American Sales & Marketing, Inc.
Kenneth and Carolyn Greene*
Greystone Power Foundation,, Inc.
Timothy and Holli Griffis*
Grizzard Communications Group
Claire Guitton*
James and Deborah Haddle*
The Hamilton Foundation
Hardy Chevrolet (Dallas)
Wesley Hardy*
Lawrence Hartley*
Sara Hathaway*
Anita Haugabrook*
Michael and Melissa Hay*
Robert Heaberlin*
Heery International
Hennessy Cadillac
Susan Hiers*
William Hinson*
Katherine Hodges*
Eric Hoffman*
Christopher and Kathleen Hohlstein*
Michael and Shelia Holmes*
Gregory Holzwarth*
Robert and Lynn Hood*
Housing Authority City of Newnan
Chris and Tannya Houtchens*
Howard Maxwell Agency, Inc.
Henry Howell*
Scott and Jessica Hudson*
Hutcheson Horticultural Company
Innovative Fiber Technologies LLC
Invaders Motorcycle Club
Invesco, Ltd.
Jack & Jill of America, Inc. – Fayette County Area Chap
Robert Jackson*
Teresa Janiga*
Andre Jarboe*
John Thornton Chevrolet
Baron Johnson*
Ronald Johnson*
Jones Day
Sandy Jun*
Junior League of DeKalb County
Kathryn Kadous*
George B. Kaufman Foundation
Al Keeler*
Gamal and Deirdre Kemp*
Gerald and LaTonia Kemp*
Brown Kevin*
Rob and Kelly Kirchner*
Judy Knighten*
KRH Architects, Inc.
Meredith Lackey*
The Landon Group, Inc.
Thomas H. Lanier Family Foundation
Latimer Construction Company, Inc.
Brian Lay*
Ron Lee, Jr. *
Lexicon Technologies
Life University
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Employees
Terrance Logan*
Gary and M. Lourie*
Lovvorn Construction, Inc.
Susan Lowenstein*
Lubo Fund
Daniel and Katie Ludlam*
Lee Lusk*
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Maclean*
Edward Manigault*
Ben and Pamela Manning*±
Maple Capital Management
The Billi Marcus Foundation, Inc.
Robert Marcus*
Kyle and Jane Marrero*
Lenore Maslia*
Kristi Matthews*
Lani Mauriello*
Gregory McAlvin*
Marilu McCarty*
Donal McClelland*
Marjette and James McDonnell*
Dante and Priscilla McDowell*
Chuck McGhee*
Clinton McKellar*
Clinton and Jessie McKellar*
William McKenzie*
Chuck and Melanie McLendon*
Dawn McNaught*
MCT Business Services of Acworth LLC
Erin Meszaros*
David and Jennifer Mikita*
Cooper Mills*
Darin Mitchell*
James and Nina Morris*
Brooks and Wallis Morris*
Windy Nicholson*
Wendy Niebank*
Nova Engineering & Environmental LLC
Timothy O’Leary*
Opportunity Tax & Insurance Service
Raj and Kelly Palakshappa*
Nia Parker*
Partnership for Community Action
Paulding Board of Realtors, Inc. Paulding Festivals, Inc.
Peachtree Christian Church
Peachtree Road United Methodist Church
Peak Enterprises Corp
Bruce and Wendy Pearlman*
Penco Restoration
Brian and Alicia Pettersson*
The Pettersson Law Firm
Erin Pickens*
The Piedmont Bank
Brett and Caroline Player*
David Powell*
Prime Technological Services, LLC
Professional Benefits Consultants
Queen Virgin Remy Ltd Company
Eric and Lauren Race*
Mark Rahiya*
Renasant Bank*
Natasha Rice*
Lillie Robbins*
Greg Roberts*
Michael and Georgette Robertson*
Lin Rogers*
Douglas and Susan Rohleder*
Hill and Michael Rossi*
Rotary Club of Conyers
Rotary Club of Paulding County
Robert Rugare*
Saint Smyrna Baptist Church
Schneider National Foundation, Inc.
Scholarship America
Gregory Schulenburg*
Gary Schulte*
Scott Evans Chrysler Dodge Jeep
Scott Evans Nissan
Mike Scottman*
Service League of Cherokee County
ServisFirst Bank
Paul Matthew Severn*
Chad and Shirl Shultz*
Tobyanne and Arnold Sidman*
Jon and Lori Siegel*
Ricardo Simon*
Kevin and Ivy Sledge*
Lawrence and Lynette Slovensky*
Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP
Sokolis Group
Sparkling Clean of Georgia, Inc.
C. Spradling*
State Farm Companies Foundation
State Street Bank and Trust Company
Michael Stephens*
Terell Strafford*
Rick and Becky Suid*
Nancy Surbaugh*
Matt Swope*
Mi’kel Sylvia-Gonzalez*
Neelesh and Priti Tatia*
Taylor & Mathis, Inc.
Anthony Taylor*
Taylor Transport, Inc.
The Garland Company, Inc.
LEE LUSK The Wheeler House
The WITH Agency
Thomas Thomasma*
James and Jennifer Thomasson*
Robert and Sallie Thompson*
Donna and Laverne Tisdale-Bashir*
Tom Barrow Company
Towne Lake Optimist Club
Tri Scapes, Inc.
Lindsey Turner*
University of West Georgia Foundation, Inc.
UP Entertainment, LLC
Utilicom Supply Associates LLC
Velociteach Project Management, LLC
Nicole and Todd Wade*
Robert L. Walker*
Virgil P. Warren Foundation
Waste Management
Erin Watson*
Katherine and Don White*
Barbara Williams*
Braden Willis*
Dwayne Willis*
Mark Wilson*
Natasha Wilson*
John Wirth*
Randy Woody*
Shirley Wynn*
Yancey Bros Co.
Yates Insurance Agency, Inc.
Anton and Lois Zellman*
PJ and Merideth Zonsius*